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The Straits Times: Little Pieces Of Army History

About: A multimedia feature article on a Singaporean's initiative to develop and build his line of miniature Singapore solider figurines.

Chaotic scenes of landmark battles from around the world take pride of place in Mr Caleb Lin's five-room HDB executive flat in Bukit Batok.

Filling up a four-storey bookshelf in his living room are dioramas comprising miniature mediaeval knights seizing a castle in the famous Fall of Acre in Israel in 1291, sword-wielding samurais charging ahead in the Battle of Nagashino in 1575 and Nazi-Germany tanks from World World II.

Over the past eight years, the 35-year-old, who works in the financial services sector, has amassed about 150 military-themed figurines spanning different periods and countries.

However, one category of soldiers that resonated with him most was sorely missing - those from the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF). The self-confessed military geek realised that Singapore soldier figurines are unlikely to be featured extensively by overseas figurine manufacturers due to the relatively small market here.

In September last year, he teamed up with his wife, Ms Terra Chua, 35, to launch Miniature Stories, a line of SAF soldier figurines and collectibles.

Mr Lin says: "As a collector, I want to cover soldiers from every era of conflict in the world. Our men deserve to have a place in the world of miniature toy soldiers, standing next to hoplites and samurais."

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